A country i would like to visit.

 Hello everyone!

 A country i would like to visit could be Spain. I like this country for many reasons:

I know that in Spain my carrear ( chemistry and pharmacy) have more technology and progress, like in clinic zone for example. I knew this  information from the teachers in the first year of university, in the introductory subjects of the carrear, they showed us videos of spain of his laboratories and clinics with new improvements. 

I like a lot to dance and sing, so i am interested in those things too, all that has to do with their folkore. I have seen some videos of spanish people singing in parks or bars ,with guitars and many friends, i really liked so much. 

And the last reason is that the country is so near to france, italy, and all europe, so i can visit that places more easily than from Chile.

I don't know yet if i would like to go some months or go to live there, maybe i can just go for the vacations, but for sure i will visit Spain some day. 

Thank you for reading. 


  1. Hi Monica!! I´m also very interesed in Spain because of the progress they have in the area of science, I have seen videos and the laboratories are incredible, I hope that one day you can go!


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