Time travel to the past or future

 Hello everyone!

In my opinion, it's more interesting travel to the past than travel to the future, because of the global pollution and the lack of water, i don't have many delusions for that times. 

In the past i would like to visit the following eras: 

1) 1958 in Chile. 

I would like to visit this time because in those years my grandmother was a teenager. She always tells me about these years when she had a lot of fun. I would really like to see her in those years, with her dresses that she always tells me about. The "parties" they had must have been very different from the parties we know now. And a see when the internet didn't exist, so they have to figure out how to have fun. 

2) Time when the moais were built.

I'm really interested in how the people builded this moais. How they builded something so big with the tools and technology they had in that times. How long they did they take. Why the moais have that form and why do they all look alike.

For the question "Would you like to stay there", my answer is no, no at all. In the first one, that times where so sexist, and I personally don't tolerate that. On top of that, I would probably only survive 3 days without internet. And in the second one, my reason it's only for curious, so I prefer this era. 

Thanks for reading! 


  1. hiii Mónica, I am very interested in your blog, I share the curiosity of how they built those Moais and their mysterious sculptures.
    Well, I hope you have a nice day!

  2. Hello, how interesting your blog, I really liked the part of traveling to an ancient Chile, to see the fashion and the lifestyle, to see how people got along and lived their lives. In the moai parts I would also like to see how they were built, it had to take a lot of work and effort.

  3. Hello, how interesting. Personally, I like your focus on the first destination. Wanting to know the times when your grandparents were young is lovely, but like you, I think I wouldn't survive without the internet haha. Greetings.

  4. Hello!! I find it very interesting to travel to the past in Chile, to see how people lived in the 50´s-60´s, I feel that it's so different from how it's now, and what you mentioned about the Moais also catch my attention.

  5. what an amazing pov! Chile in beggining of the 60's sounds really interesting

  6. ooohhh, you're right, it would be quite interesting to see the construction and everything that happened with the Moais, I was curious now that you say that. I really liked your Blog ^^


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