My dream job

 Hello everyone! In this blog I want to tell you about my dream job.

Well, i'm studying chemistry and pharmacy, so I would like to work at that. Now, i don't now if I would like to take another degree or something like that, but in the future i will think about it.

I would like to get a job in another country, like Spain or Germany, where my career, have a big success and to have more experience. The thing is that I don't know yet if I want it to stay there or just for the moment, because of my family. 

But in general, i would like a job in a farmacy of hospitals or clinics. I think that it's more interesting than work at a popular farmacy [because of the dead times] and more relax than work at a industry [because of the big stress they must handle]. 

I imagine me helping people, organizing documents and applying my pharmacy knowledge in the problems that arise. Besides I really like the teamwork so i hope to have great colleagues. So, the skills I think I need are: know how to work as a team, have skills to talk to the people, be an organized person, know a lot about drugs and be a good leader.

The most important thing to me it's to have time after work to do that things that I enjoy: like dancing, get together with friends and family watch netflix, things like that. And the salary, I don't want to be a millionaire, but I do want to have money to survive comfortably and buy a lot of sushi. I had serch the basic salary of a Pharmaceutical chemist and it's around the 1200 USD. What is fine for me just for now.  

Something that I want to add, it's a fun fact. I am studying chemistry , and that means that we have a lot of laboratories, and I don't like them very much jaja. So i don't like the jobs in laboratories or that stuff.

That's all, thank you for reading.


  1. Hello Monica, I hope you have a nice weekend, I was surprised that you liked the clinical pharmacy area, since they say it is a difficult and stressful area, but I have faith that you will be very good at it.

  2. Hi , I enjoy your blog a lot , I can see that you like your career. I really wish you can work and live in another country, whether for a long time or a short time. (Also I don't like so much the laboratory work either, tooooo stressful).
    Have a good day !!

  3. Hi, definitely the best part of having a good salary is buying sushi haha, but seriously, I hope you can fulfill what you want and work in the area you dream of. Have a nice Sunday!

  4. Obviously, if one works to get money to buy sushi, very important point 🤓☝🏻. I really liked your blog, I hope you can practice your career and don't have so many labs haha.


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